Club Information
Contact Us
Garden Club of Mountain Lakes
P.O. Box 341
Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046
Key Club Objectives
Floral Design
Personal Growth and Friendship
Members are encouraged to pursue their gardening passions and to share their knowledge, questions and challenges through our meetings
Work in the community and on special projects, allowing members to enjoy a special camaraderie
Develop our mutual gardening interest which spans multiple generations and perspectives
Club Meetings
Club meetings are held at the Mountain Lakes Public Library, 9 Elm Road, Mountain Lakes in the downstairs Community Room, on the fourth Wednesday of the month from September to May. Meetings are held at 9am or 7pm.
Each meeting features a speaker or activity, light refreshments, and an opportunity for members to share a floral design and/or a horticulture specimen.
Non-members guests are welcome for the speaker program. If you’re interested in attending, please email us at:

Membership Information
The club is open to all residents of Mountain Lakes and the surrounding community who are actively interested in Gardening, Floral Design, Horticulture, Conservation and/or the comraderie of a club which embraces members from multiple generations and perspectives. The Garden Club of Mountain Lakes is a "working club" which expects every member to take on an active role. New members are welcome to join anytime of the year.
Dues for active and provisional members is $50.00 per year. Active members enjoy discounts with selected local suppliers and garden centers.
Provisional Membership
Individuals who wish to join The Garden Club of Mountain Lakes will be accepted initially as provisional members. Provisional members will have an opportunity to explore all of the programs and activities available to members by fulfilling the requirements below:
Attending a Meeting
Assist in a Junior Nature Club project
Help with a Monthly Meeting Hospitality
Volunteer at the Spring Plant Sale in May
Help at one of the Community Gardens
Participate in a Floral Design Workshop
Membership Expectations
All members are encouraged to attend monthly club meetings and programs.
In addition, all active members are required to serve on at least one committee and to help with one or more club projects each year. Each spring, as part of the membership renewal process, members have an opportunity to join committees and volunteer for positions. In addition, members are required to participate in the club’s annual Plant Sale fundraiser.