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Club Projects

Community Gardens
The Garden Club of Mountain Lakes maintains ten community gardens scattered within the Borough of Mountain Lakes. Our Community Gardens include 9/11, Birchwood, Borough Hall, Boulevard Planters, Grove Place, Intervale Triangle, Library, Midvale, and Tennis Court Gardens. The sites become busy throughout the planting season as garden club members meet to plant, prune, transplant, mulch and learn from one another.
Community Garden Plant Lists: Native Garden Library Gardens Library Gardens2
Plant Sale
Don’t miss our annual Plant Sale held in May at Island Beach overlooking beautiful Mountain Lake! For over 40 years, the club has offered: perennials dug from members’ gardens; herbs and native plants; gardening supplies; and information about environmental topics. All club members contribute plant material as well as their time for set-up, sale, or clean-up, to ensure the success of this major fundraising event.
Flower Show
Our Club is proud to present flower shows on a regular basis and all members are encouraged to enter with horticulture and/or floral designs. Workshops and instruction sessions are held prior to these shows to help educate club members on Flower Shows and Flower Show Procedure. Our shows often include youth exhibits, artistic crafts, table artistry, photography, invitationals and educational displays. Members of other garden clubs and the public are encouraged to attend.
Junior Nature Club
The Junior Nature Club is an after school enrichment program for third grade students. Participants engage in a variety of garden related activities and environmental awareness programs. The Garden Club of Mountain Lakes runs each monthly program and helps students with their crafts, new discoveries and eager questions. The club meets monthly during the school year. Participants register for the program and pay a small membership fee in September.
Since 2013 members of The Garden Club of Mountain Lakes were honored to decorate one of the six public rooms at Drumthwacket, the stately official residence of the Governor of New Jersey. This year, 2017, we have been asked to decorate the foyer, front entry door containers, and all the exterior wreaths. The emphasis is on fresh material and traditional classic design.
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